
How to calculate the transmission capacity of the screw conveyor?

1, the density of material and property of the material
2, the selection of the screw conveyor model size and delivery distance, the installation direction, etc..
Approximate calculation formula of screw conveyor:
Capacity Q = 47 D2 N TΦP Ct/h
Q - transport capacity (t/h);
D - conveyor diameter m;
N-- screw shaft speed r/min;
T - pitch m;
Φ - material filling coefficient, under normal circumstances, the grain by =0.25 - 0.4, =0.25 - 0.35 psi oil, wheat bran, rice bran flourψ=0.25, ψ =0.2
P - bulk density  t/m3;
C - conveyor angle coefficient;
S - helical blade pitch (m), S=0.8D of the face, with a blade of S=D.
Calculation formula for ultimate speed:
Formula: N /min - helical axis limit rotational speed (Y);

A - the coefficient of the material properties, the general desirability of grain and oil materials is A=65.

